Welcome to Blissetts

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Welcome to 2020, another decade and a milestone for Blissetts as we celebrate our 100 years anniversary.

2020 will be quite a year for us, certainly one of the most memorable in the last 100 years, but of course there are other milestones I think of in this centenary year, not least some recollections from the past.

Sadly, I do not have an archive that I can draw on like some other binders have been able to do in the past, but if you are interested over  the next few months I will share those stories which I do know and which I think you will find interesting. 

For now, I will just attach a picture of my Grandparents, Frederick and Mary, taken about the time they started the business in 1920 and mention some of the things which will happen this year.

·   After 58 years we will be moving  to  modern premises more able to cope with our  printing and binding services

·  Chris Blissett (4th generation) will take over running the business which I have done for 40 years. I will stay on as a consultant for as long as he wants me!

·  New services and collaborations to inform you of.

For now, I do hope you will help us make 2020 a huge and successful year by placing your business with us, whether this is design work, printing or binding.

You receive this email because we have worked for you or you have asked us to estimate on a project you have had, but let me know if you wish to be removed from my list.

Best wishes for 2020
